
Automated tests

Spil uses pytest.

The Auto Test (auto_test.yml) github action runs all tests, including doc-tests, on windows and ubuntu.

Pytest is configured in pyproject.toml and a conftest.py file. On session start, Pytest runs test file creations (inside the spil_hamlet_conf/data/testing folder).

The Action is triggered by push or pull-request on main branch.

Unit Tests

Most of the low level functions have doctest unittests.

Modules usually have a __main__ section with unittest-like code that log results.
These modules can be run directly from a code editor.

Integration Tests - Data tests

Most tests work in conjunction with the configuration. Per default, they use the shipped demo configuration spil_hamlet_conf.

On session start, Pytest runs file creations (inside the spil_hamlet_conf/data/testing folder). These files are used by the tests (including doctests).

When creating a new configuration for a pipeline, it is recommended to implement related tests. The best is to reuse the tests shipped with the example configuration.

Checking the config

When creating a new config, these basic config conformity checks are useful:

  • spil/tests/config_checks/check_01_sid_config.py: prints the processed Sid templates and checks for duplicates.

  • spil/tests/config_checks/check_02_path_config.py: prints the processed Path templates and checks for duplicates.
    Also checks if sid templates and path templates match.

Test data preparation

For in-depth tests and greater test coverage, it is useful to prepare static data for repeatable tests.

  • Recreate or adapt the spil_hamlet_conf/hamlet_scripts/generate_example_sids.py script, which generates correctly formatted test Sids.

  • Save the example sids into a file using spil_hamlet_conf/hamlet_scripts/save_examples_to_file.py

  • Run spil_hamlet_conf/hamlet_scripts/save_examples_to_mock_fs.py: this will create dummy project files and folders on disk (using the test Sids).

In python:

import spil  # adds spil_hamlet_conf to the python path
import hamlet_scripts.save_examples_to_mock_fs as mfs

This is configured in conftest.py file.

Testing the Sids and Finders

If the basic config checks pass, and there is testable data, we can continue to usage tests.
Complete tests are found in spil_hamlet_conf/hamlet_tests.

  • spil_hamlet_conf/hamlet_tests/core_test.py: tests given Sids for core attributes (types, fields, parent(), etc.)

  • spil_hamlet_conf/hamlet_tests/path_test.py: tests given Sids path resolving and path related attributes (path())

  • spil_hamlet_conf/hamlet_tests/data_test.py: tests given Sids data access attributes (exists(), children(), get_last(), etc.)

  • spil_hamlet_conf/hamlet_tests/finder_test.py: uses given Sids to build random search Sids, and tests Finders.
    Do not hesitate to adapt this test file, depending on the finders you will use.
    (Note that you could also manually create a python script with example / test searches).

  • spil_hamlet_conf/hamlet_tests/quicktest.py: sandbox-like file to quickly test various things.

(more tests work in progress)

Test tools

  • spil/tests/prep contain modules to prepare test data

  • spil/tests/utils contain modules for usage checks.

  • spil/tests/config_checks contain configuration checks

This documentation is work in progress. Do not hesitate to get in touch if you are interested in using Spil.